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   Kalachakra Network

Sanskrit Fonts

Some of the IKN documents use the CSX+ font in order to transliterate the Sanskrit letters correctly into Roman letters. To be able to read these correctly, you will need to install this font on your computer. It is an easy process, as described below. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.



1. Right-click here to download the file 'font-times-csxp.zip' or Times CSX+ as used in some of the IKN documents (1MB). For the font Courier CSX+, download the file font_courier-csxp.zip (359Kb). Your computer will start to download the file which is in the compressed 'zip' format.

2. After downloading the file, you need to uncompress the file, using a program like Winzip. You can download a free version of Winzip here.

3. After you've "unzipped" the file, your expander should create a folder in which the various font files will appear. Inside that folder will be the fonts and associated information documents, such as information on proprietary rights, etc. The font files need to be moved into the 'Fonts' folder of the Windows directory (probably on your C: Drive).

4. Locate the 'Fonts' folder in the Windows folder and drag or copy the downloaded fonts into this file. They are immediately ready for use; simply choose it from among the fonts listed in your word processing software.

5. If you have applications running when you install the fonts, you must quit and restart them in order to be able to use the newly-installed fonts. To use the newly-installed font, simply choose it from among the fonts listed in your word processing software.



1. Due to some technical problems, we cannot make the files needed for the MAC available here; please login to this site to download the necessary fonts. Someone has reported problems with this file though...

2. After downloading the font files, it must be decompressed using an "expander". A popular expander is freeware and can be dowloaded from Aladdin StuffIt Expander.

3. Once the font file has been expanded, click on the new folder that is created. Inside that folder will be the fonts and associated informational documents, such as information on proprietary rights, etc. These informational documents appear as simple text. Please read these before installing the fonts.

4. Within a newly created folder, open the individual folders that list the font components. Drag and drop them into your 'Font' folder, which is located in the 'System' folder. The System folder appears on your hard drive and also often appears as one of the Apple Menu Items.

5. If you have applications running when you install the fonts, you must quit and restart them in order to be able to use the newly-installed fonts. To use the newly-installed font, simply choose it from among the fonts listed in your word processing software.