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The Wheel of Time Sand Mandala
A visual scripture of Tibetan Buddhism
by Barry Bryant 

Wheel of Time Sand MandalaHarper San Fransisco, 1995, 271pp, ISBN 0-06-250088-0
Back in print!

Available from Snowlion.


Please share your opinion of this book with us.


Review by :Rudy Harderwijk
Overall Rating:

Nearly half the book is a general introduction to Tibetan Buddhism with numerous black & white images. Contains a detailed description of the preparation rituals before an initiation and exact measurements to draw the outlines of the Kalachakra mandala. I rated it as 3 star only, because it tries to put a bit (too?) much in one book, from very general and popular explanations upto a detailed explanation on how to draw the Kalachakra mandala. The last part is obviously of value for practitioners.


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