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   Kalachakra Network

Initiates Email Discussion Forum

Discussion Forum

The IKN has an Initiates Email Discussion Forum at Google Groups intended for people who have taken the Kalachakra initiation including all commitments. By restricting access to IKN members only, we created an environment in which we can freely discuss Kalachakra practice without risking to break tantric secrecy vows.

You can join our discussion forum in two steps:

* First register as an IKN member.

* When approved, send an email to Andy Wistreich at andy.wistreich@outlook.com with your Full Name (as you signed up with) and the Email Address (with which you want to join the discussion group) and request access to the Kalachakra Discussion Forum.

We will try to grant access within a few days. If you do not receive an answer after about a week, please re-submit your request.