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Click on the underlined book titles for more information and reviews.
The flags indicate languages in which the books are published other than English (as far as we know).


Taking the Kalachakra Initiation by Alexander Berzin (Snow Lion 1997)

The Mandala, Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism
by Martin Brauen (German version by Dumont 1992), later also printed in English (Serindia, London), Dutch (Asoka) and several (?) other languages.

The Way to Shambala by Eric Bernbaum is just back into print! (Shambhala, 2002)

The Realm of Shambhala by Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö (Shambhala, 2021)

Kalachakra by Namgyal Monastery (Tibet Domani, 1999) Available from Snowlion

The Wheel of Time, the Kalachakra in context. Geshe Lhundub Sopa et al. (Snow Lion, 1985)

The Wheel of Time Sand Mandala by Barry Bryant - back in print - (Snow Lion, 1995)

Kalachakra, A visual celebration of the Wheel of Time by Allen King (Snow Lion 1999)

Kalachakra Initiation, Madison 1981

Myriad Worlds; Jamgön Kongtrul (Snow Lion 1995)

Learning from the Dalai Lama : Secrets of the Wheel of Time, by Karen Pandell, Barry Bryant, John Taylor (Photographer), Dutton Children's Books; ISBN: 0525450637; (October 1995)

Kalacakra Sadhana and Social Responsibility, by David Reigle (Spirit of the Sun Publications 1996, available via the Publisher ).

Buddhist Ethics, by Jamgon Kongtrul, (Snow Lion, 1998)

Tibetan Astro Science, by Jhampa Kalsang, astrology paintings by Buchung Tsering. Available from Snow Lion


L'initiation de Kalachakra, Pour la paix dans le monde, par Sa Sainteté le Dalaï-Lama, traduit et présenté par Sofia Stril-Rever (Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2001)

Kalachakra, Guide de l'initiation et du Guru Yoga, Enseignements de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï-Lama, et de Jhado Tulku Rinpoche, présentation de Sofia Stril-Rever (Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2002)
KALACHAKRA, enseignements préliminaires et initiations, Sa Sainteté le Dalaï Lama, Traduit de l'anglais par Christian Charrier. (Vajrayogini France)

Tibet, la Roue du Temps - pratique du mandala, par Jean-Pierre Barou et Sylvie Crossman (Actes Sud, 2000)

Kalachakra : le plus haut des tantras bouddhistes, de Le Dalai-Lama (Claire Lumieres, 1997)


Kalachakra - Iniziazione Tantrica del Dalai Lama, J.M. Rivière - Edizioni Mediterranee.

Kalachakra Guru Yoga di S.S. il XIV Dalai Lama e Ling Rinpoche, pubblicazione del testo Sacro a cura di SDK Shri Dhanya Kataka Associazione Culturale per la Preservazione e Studio del Tantra di Kalachakra. Disponibile su CD e in edizione estesa con note esplicative rilegato come gli autentici testi sacri tibetani. per prenotazioni e-mail: info@sdk-kalachakra.com (Testi per praticanti)
Commentario della Guru Yoga di Kalachakra trasmesso da Jhado Tulku, pubblicazione del testo Sacro a cura di SDK Shri Dhanya Kataka Associazione Culturale per la Preservazione e Studio del Tantra di Kalachakra. Disponibile su CD per prenotazioni e-mail: info@sdk-kalachakra.com (Testi per praticanti)


Kalachakra, von Michael Henss Broschiert - (Fabri-Verlag Jürgen Aschoff, 1998), ISBN: 3980219968, bei Amazon.de

Die transformierende Kraft des Tantra Kalachakra - Grundlagen, Prinzipien und Aspekte; von Jürgen Manshardt, DHARMATA VERLAG, Berlin, 27 Seiten, kartoniert


Kalacakra and the Tibetan Calendar by Edward Henning - (ISBN: 0975373498, EAN: 9780975373491, Hardback, 326pp., Publisher : Columbia University Press)
Forthcoming due August 2007. Henning describes the contents of current Tibetan almanacs, from basic mathematics to symbolic and historical information. Essential for understanding the Kalachakra Tantra's first chapter, this book describes the origin of the calendrical systems in this tantra and translates and elucidates the relevant sections from its famous commentary, the Vimalaprabha. The main calendars in use in Tibet today have remained unchanged since the 15th century, when lamas in several different traditions tried to make sense of the calculation systems they had inherited from India, and to adjust them to remove increasingly obvious errors. This book analyzes the main systems that survive today, assessing their accuracy and comparing them with the methods described in the original tantra.

Ornament of Stainless Light: An Exposition of the Kalachakra Tantra by Khedrup Norsang Gyatso, translation Gavin Kilti and Thubten Jinpa (Snowlion, 2004)

Kalacakratantra: The Chapter On The Individual Together With The Vimalaprabha, Vesna A. Wallace, Robert A.F. Thurman, Thomas F. Yarnall (American Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2004) Available from Snowlion

The Inner Kalacakratantra: A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual, Vesna A. Wallace. (Oxford University Press, 2001) Available from Snowlion

The Kalacakra Tantra: The Chapter on the Sadhana together with the Vimalaprabha by Vesna A. Wallace (The American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Columbia University Center for Buddhist Studies, and Tibet House US, 2010). Available from Amazon.

Tantra de Kalachakra: Le Livre du Corps Subtil accompagne de son grand commentaire La Lumiere Immaculee Préface de Sa Sainteté le Dalaï-Lama, traduit et présenté par Sofia Stril-Rever (Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2000). (Inner Chapters of the Kalachakra Laghutantra and the Vimalaprabha, translated from Sanskrit.)

The Practice of Kalachakra by Glen H. Mullin (Snow Lion, 1991)

Naropa, Iniziazione Kalachakra, Raniero Gnoli e Giacomella Orofino - Adelphi Edizioni, 1994. (Testi di approfondimento) (Integral translation of the Sekodesa by Naropa, and notes from the Vimalaprabha.)

Kalachakra and Other Six Session Yogas; Alexander Berzin (Snow Lion, 1998) These practices are now also available on Alex' website.

The Kalachakra Tantra, Rite of Initiation. Tenzin Gyatso the Dalai Lama and Jeffrey Hopkins (Wisdom, 1985)

Kalacakra Sadhana and Social Responsibility, David Reigle (Spirit of the Sun Publications 1996, available via the Publisher ).

Transcending Time, an Explanation of the Kalachakra Six-Session Guru Yoga, Gen Lamrimpa and B. Allan Wallace (Wisdom 1999)

The Outer Wheel of Time: Vajrayana Buddhist cosmology in the Kalacakra tantra, a dissertation by John Ronald Newman (1987, dissertation. UMI number 8723348. Available from UMI Dissertation Services, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346, USA. )

Tantric Yoga: A Study of the Vedic Precursors, Historical Evolution, Literatures, Cultures, doctrines, and Practices of the 11th Century Kasmiri Saivite and Buddhist Unexcelled Tantric Yogas, by James Francis Hartzell (Part of Chapter 5 of the Vimalaprabha)(1997, UMI Number: 9723798, Hopefully soon available from UMI Dissertation Services, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346, USA. )

Kalacakra: Textual and Ritual Perspectives, a dissertation by Jensine Andresen (1997, UMI Number: 9733170, available from UMI Dissertation Services, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346, USA.)

Kalachakra Tantra by Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey (Motilal) - Restricted to Initiates. Available from Snowlion

The Sadangayoga by Anupamaraksita Translated and annotated by Francesco Sferra, Rome, Istituto Italiano Per l'Africa E L'Oriente, 2000

The Yoga of Six Limbs: An Introduction of the History of Shadhanga yoga, by Günter Grünbold, published by Robert Hutwohl. May be obtained via r.hutwohl@icloud.com Publisher .

The Nispannayogavali by Abhayakaragupta: A New Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text (Revised Edition - Sanskrit only), by Yong-Hyun Lee, Baegun Press, Seoul, in 2004

Synthesizing a liturgical heritage: Abhayakaragupta's 'Vajravali' and the Kalacakramandala (Mahapandita Abhayakaragupta) a dissertation by Yong-Hyun Lee (2003, UMI number AAT 3089732 available from UMI Dissertation Services, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-1346, USA.)

Sekoddesa, a critical edition of the Tibetan translations, by Giacomella Orofino with an appendix by Raniero Gnoli on the Sanskrit Text. Tibetan texts edited on the basis of all the Kanjur editions, with a thorough historical introduction in English and an appendix with a reconstructed Sanskrit text, Roma, Is.MEO. 1994. This 151-page book is available at the Herder International bookshop.

See also the Archive of KPG London for practice materials like sadhanas and commentaries available to initiated practitioners.


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